The News
Aug 23, 2004 - Google found it!Oct 28, 2004 - The Color Classic web server is cited in the "Vintage Apple News" area of
Dec 17, 2004 - On a lark I checked to see if the domain was available. Amazingly it was. Minutes later it was mine, and now redirects to this server.
Mar 27, 2005 - Server stats from show that over 100 people a month visit this server. Amazingly, many are Windows users!
May 3, 2005 - a translucent green prototype of the Color Classic sells on eBay for $3,500.00 USD. Really.
Aug 3, 2005 - Ric Ford's popular Macintouch site includes a link to The 68K Macintosh Web Server Directory site, where this site is listed third on the list. Traffic to the Color Classic Web Server skyrockets to 248 visitors in one day, and the Color Classic keeps on serving!
Oct. 25, 2005 - I noticed that even though the Color Classic never crashes and MacHTTP keeps chugging along, the number of HTTP timeouts seems to increase the longer the machine stays on. I've installed Karl Potte's Keep It Up to automatically restart the Color Classic each night around midnight, and set up free web site monitoring through to track the performance of the server and record uptime statistics. Big thanks to Karl for sending a 68k version of Keep It Up from his archives, and to for the free service!
Feb. 12, 2006 - MacHTTP was inexplicably not answering web connections every few days, so it was time to take the Color Classic web server offline for some love and maintenance. Disk Warrior fixed some directory damage and hopefully we're back to normal. Check out the spiffy new favicon in the location bar of your browser, generated by the very cool Favicon from Pics web site.
Feb. 20, 2006 - According to the uptime monitor the server was up 100% of last week, so it looks like the hard disk maintenance did the trick!