Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2009 uptime for the Color Classic web server

2009 started off a bit rocky for uptime, as a combination of a flaky router and spring thunderstorms in central Texas combined to take the server offline when it lost its internet connection or electrical power. Replacing the router and adding a UPS improved uptime significantly as you can see from the bar graph below.

The final tally for 2009 as recorded by (who kindly monitors this site for free!) is an uptime of just under 98%. While that's a remarkable statistic for a computer that's 16 years old operating on residential broadband internet connection, there's still room for for improvement. Here's hoping 2010 will bring uptime over the 99% average!

Color Classic Web Server - HTTP
Total Checks
Avg resp.time
Uptime %
1 Jan - 31 Dec 2009
97.84 %

Report generated on: 13 Jan 2010
Website Monitoring Data provided by WebSitePulse

Color Classic gets a new home

The Color Classic was offline briefly for a cleaning and a short move into another room at our residence. Instead of being located in our master bedroom (where the cable modem had been installed) it's now down the hallway in the office. I don't know how well I will be able to sleep without the gentle hum of the SCSI hard drive constantly in the background.

Before the move I took the opportunity to open it up, slide out the logic board, and carefully blow off two years worth of dust that had settled on the surface. I also vacuumed the interior, side vents, floppy drive opening, and fan slots on the back which all had quite an accumulation of dust, lint, and cat fur. Hopefully it will run a little cooler now.